K-12 + Repairs and Protection
Your students deserve the best.
We're here to help.
iResQ has consistently provided repair services for mobile devices in classrooms, ensuring students always have their tools ready. With unmatched technical expertise, proficient technicians, and a track record of assisting numerous K-12 districts, iResQ makes managing your school's digital learning programs easier.

The benefits of entrusting your account to iResQ
Real-time repair status
Watch your repairs progress with status updates. We’ll proactively communicate with you if we foresee any roadblocks in your future.
Flexible billing options
We offer flexible billing and invoicing options that allow you to customize your payment schedule to your school’s preferences.
90-day warranties
Our repairs are backed by 90-day warranties to ensure everything works how it’s supposed to for as long as it should.
Tailored pricing
Using your school’s trends and needs, we craft custom and competitive pricing that can be adjusted as you need (not just quarterly or annually).
Multiple discount options
If you have a lot of repairs or use our team exclusively, we offer discounts on your services. Plus, we may even include shipping for free.
Overnight Turnaround Times
We understand how important it is to have a working device. We offer overnight repairs for those times when you just can’t be without it.