Top 3 Benefits Of Technology In The Classroom | IResQ
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Top 3 Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

Top 3 Benefits of Technology in the Classroom
General Knowledge / General Knowledge

Educators involved in all levels of education, including middle schools and high schools, are actively incorporating new technological tools for an enhanced learning process. The use of technology in the classroomplays a vital role in how teachers can produce and present lessons, provide differentiation and scaffolding, and administer assessments in their 21st-century classrooms. This technological shift in the education of students of all ages encompasses a wide variety of devices, ranging from smartphones and iPads to laptops and digital whiteboards.

Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

Teachers spanning all content areas in school districts across the nation are actively integrating technology in their classrooms to increase student engagement, adapt to different learning styles, and streamline lesson plans.

1. Student Engagement

Schools with students that are actively engaged in their lessons see a vast improvement in their learning outcomes and student success. Whether in-person or in online learning, technology offers a variety of learning tools and educational resources. By integrating technology in the classroom, digital tools and resources can be utilized to assist in both the planning and implementation of lessons that are engaging and effective.

Due to its ability to help create a meaningful learning environment, gamification – the application of typical elements of game playing to other areas – has been proven to improve student engagement. When technology is combined with gamification, through the use of apps or virtual reality, the classroom transforms learning into an engaging and interactive experience. This approach not only makes learning more enjoyable but also reinforces key concepts and skills in an effective and engaging way.

2. Ability to Adapt to Different Learning Styles

When it comes to education, the phrase “one size fits all” could not be farther from the truth. In order to optimize student performance, experience, and success, educators must provide diverse learning pathways. These learning pathways should allow the students to progress at their own pace, while also utilizing the technology that is most suitable to facilitate the task and approach.

Educators across the nation are continuously providing their learners with differentiated lessons and scaffolded tasks to best meet their students where they are at. For example, teachers can quite easily create slide shows or other visual aides that will assist those learners who focus and retain visual information more easily. The educational games mentioned above are also quite effective at helping kinesthetic learners and there is an ever-increasing number of apps tailored to help teachers reach learners with specific learning or physical disabilities.

When you incorporate technology thoughtfully, it can be used to accommodate various learning styles and competencies, thus improving the understanding and retention of learning material. Technology assists the educator by customizing a student’s learning experience to match their specific needs and preferred learning styles.

3. Streamlined Lesson Plans

We know an educator’s time is valuable and lesson planning can take hours of research, organization, and preparation. How can a teacher streamline his or her lesson planning while still providing his or her students with the best learning experience possible? Thanks to the rise of EdTech, digital resources and various tech tools have emerged to not only facilitate more effective learning but also streamline the planning process.

Streamline Lesson Planning

Technology can be utilized to organize lesson materials, collaborate with colleagues, and adapt to their educational needs. New technology, with instructional technology at the forefront, provides access to a wealth of digital resources and educational tools to support teachers during their planning and assessment of interactive and engaging lesson plans.

In addition to the initial lesson planning process, there are many data analytic tools that allow educators to assess student performance in real-time, allowing for timely adjustments to lesson plans for more effective instruction. Although no amount of technology can replace a teacher’s valuable insights and instincts, having real-time feedback allows an educator to make those split-second decisions and adjustments in the moment and in their future lessons.

Take Better Advantage of Technology in the Classroom Today

The benefits of using technology in the classroom are vast and contribute greatly to a continuous flow of learning experiences and learning opportunities day after day.

If your school district is considering a new technology integration plan or is already taking advantage of the benefits that technology has to offer, connect with iResQ today to explore the many ways that we can assist in simplifying device repairs, asset management, and much more.

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