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MacBook Pros: Did Update Fix All Models?

General Knowledge / General Knowledge

During the newest launch of MacBook Pros, just a few weeks ago, it seems there were significant issues with the battery life. This varied from computer to computer and not everyone’s MacBook was riddled with the problem. The worst of the lot averaged just three hours of battery life, with others running for approximately 10 hours instead. Complaints rolled into the corporate offices at a staggering rate.

Fortunately, Apple hopped on the bandwagon rather quickly, however, and created a software update that increased the battery longevity. In fact, many MacBook Pro users then reported that their batteries lasted up to 19 hours on a single charge. That’s pretty impressive. Sadly, not all of the glitches for older MacBook Pro owners have been taken care of, however.

Case in point is the MacBook Pro with touch bar is still giving its owners a hard time. In fact, their owners have inundated Mac frequently in the past year, explaining that their batteries—which are supposed to last an average of 10 hours on one charge—are only lasting, in some cases, for less than three hours instead. This is especially bothersome in the cases of those who use their computers as work from home devices. Sure, they could plug in and operate on an outlet, but many “work-at-homers” operate while on the go. They count on that battery life to sneak in work hours on a train, a plane, in a coffee shop and at a plethora of additional places where plugging in is a major inconvenience—or downright impossible.

And what about those people, like freelance writers, who frequently purchase laptops for use when traveling, but rely on their desktops for working at home. Often times months or even a year might go by before the laptop is powered into action. How inconvenient this must be when learning after that initial year’s warranty has expired, that the battery won’t hold a lengthy charge.

While it’s extremely costly in most cases to go to authorized Mac dealers for MacBook repairs, rest assured there are qualified repair businesses that are skilled in the repair of Apple products, and will restore your MacBook to pristine working condition. We use only highly trained technicians who know these products inside and out. We use authentic Apple parts when replacements are deemed necessary.

So don’t deal with your MacBook’s shot lived battery life. Contact us today to schedule a repair with our reputable technicians today.

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