IPhone 5 And IPad Mini Repair Parts Are In! | IResQ - Electronics Repair
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iPhone 5 and iPad Mini repair parts are in!

General Knowledge / General Knowledge

Well, we’ve had iPhone 5 and iPad Mini parts for some time now, but we’ve decided that we’d like to share this with our faithful readers.  In the first picture below, you’ll see two 8-pin dock connector and headphone jack assemblies for the Mini iPad on the left.  On the right, you’ll see two 8-pin dock connector and headphone jack assemblies for the iPhone 5 (or “New iPhone”). The interesting thing here is these assemblies come in either black or white, suggesting a change in design for the devices.  Another thing of note is the fact that the iPad Mini’s headphone jack is pretty close to the dock. This further hits on rumors that the iPad Mini will be more similar to the iPhone or iPod Touch than the current size iPad.


In this picture, you’ll see a close up of the 8-pin dock connector of the white version of the iPhone 5.  Pretty cool.


Rest assured, we’ll be ready to repair these models very shortly after their release from Apple.  In the mean time, you can repair your current iPhone and iPad models here at iResQ.

UPDATE: We have had a lot of requests for pictures of the top side of the dock connector.  Below you will see that there are no contact pins on the top side.


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