Help! My iPhone Won’t Turn On.

iPhone /

Are you having issues with a smartphone that won’t turn on? Try a few of these steps, and if you’re still not getting results, bring your device to us. We will find the problem and then fix it within 24 hours of you agreeing to have it repaired with us.

Charge Your Phone.

Many people struggle with the serious issue of a phone that just won’t come on, fretting it considerably… until they realize their device has no juice. There is a possibility that your phone doesn’t have any charge. Maybe it wasn’t totally plugged in while you thought you were powering it up. Or maybe the power strip you use was turned off. Whatever the case, first try at least plugging it in for 15 minutes and see what happens. (Don’t worry. We won’t tell anyone if this is the case.)

Buy a New Charger.

If you’ve been holding on to the same charger cord for a really long time, this could be your problem. Chargers only last for so long, and after a while, they stop being able to do their job. Inspect your cord. Is it breaking in some places so that the wires are showing through? If so, you’re going to need to replace it. If you’re still not sure, try charging your phone with a friend’s charger. If it works, time to throw out your old charger.

Put Your Phone in Sleep Mode.

Try pressing the home screen button and the power button at the same time. Instead of turning your phone off, it’ll put it in sleep mode. Press the home screen button again and wait for the Apple logo to show up. When it does, this means your phone should be turning back on and going back to normal.

Is Your Device Still Not Working? Come See Us.

If your iPhone still won’t turn on, it’s time to ask a professional for help. We are available to take your calls, to see you in our store, and even to come to you if necessary. We will provide you with a free diagnostic test to see what’s wrong with your device and then tell you how much it’ll be to fix it. If you agree, we will solve your phone’s problem and have it back to you, good as new, within 24 hours. Now that’s an easy fix.

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