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General Knowledge / General Knowledge

Howdy folks! Happy Friday to all of you, and what a Friday it is. Tonight after work I’m hoppin in the van with the band and heading down to the lake of the Ozarks for a weekend rock show. Playing a late night set tonight and all afternoon tomorrow! Oh yea, did I forget to mention that we get free food, drink, and rooms for the weekend? Perfect! Navigating the trip will be my iPhone of course- those map updates just keep on keepin on.

On a more business-related subject, I’d like to congratulate our two staff members Jeff Treese, and Eric Darnell who both completed their Apple Certifications this week. Hip hip hooray!! That’s two more Apple Certified staffers here at the Q (that’s a good thing).

Well friends, that’s about all I have to discuss today. Thanks for your time- I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did. Have a good weekend, get outside (the summer is wearing out), and be safe.

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