Education Partnerships | IResQ Device Repair And Services
Contact Us: 1-888-447-3728
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Your students’ success is dependent on a functional device. We work hands-on with schools, either through 1:1 program support or in tandem with an insurance company, to provide seamless repair processes and support for tablets and laptops.

Team Up With iResQ

Real-time repair status

Watch your repairs progress with status updates. We’ll proactively communicate with you if we foresee any roadblocks in your future.

Tailored pricing

Using your business’s trends and needs, we craft custom and competitive pricing that adjusts with you as you grow or conditions change (not just quarterly or annually).

Flexible billing options

We offer flexible billing and invoicing options that allow you to customize your payment schedule to your business’s preference.

Multiple discount options

If you have a lot of repairs or use our team exclusively, we offer discounts on your services. Plus, we may even include shipping for free.

90-day warranties

Our repairs are backed by 90-day warranties to ensure everything works how it’s supposed to for as long as it should.

Overnight turnaround times

Overnight turnaround times

laptops on shelf

Minimize your 1:1 risks with iResQ

Many schools are starting 1:1 initiatives that pair students with a device of their own, which comes with many risks. From spilling cereal on the keyboard to losing a battery charger, the cost of doing business can tally up pretty quickly with these new programs.

We offer innovative solutions to your technology and operational problems. With insurance, you have to pay a yearly premium, and then if the iPad breaks, an additional deductible is required for the repair. With iResQ, you only pay for the repairs when they occur. No deductibles. No premiums. It’s really that simple.

Dedicated to Serving and Supporting our Educational Partners

iResQ has specialized in electronic device repair for over 25 years. We’ve done business with schools in 49 states (still waiting on Alaska!) iResQ was founded in 1994 and is located in Olathe, Kansas. We diagnose and repair a wide range of products from desktop computers to the Macbook pro, iPod, and iPad. We also repair android tablets and phones, Google Chromebooks, and other PCs and Windows-based laptops, tablets, and smartphones. iResQ is made up of people just like yourself—a team of technicians who love their electronic devices. We pride ourselves in quality repairs, responsive customer service, and timely turn-around!

K – 12 Through Professional Education

We understand that having a functional electronic device for educators and students in the 1:1 learning environment is essential to maximize learning. We also understand daily use of these devices in a variety of conditions can create opportunities for damage. Cracked screens, malfunction after drops, liquid damage, logic board failures, or the unexplainable goo in the ports are just a few. We ensure that your devices are repaired with the highest quality parts at the most cost-effective prices. Over the years of developing close working relationships with several School Districts and Universities across the nation, iResQ is recognized as a highly reliable provider of computer repair with extraordinary customer service.

Let us help you set your students, faculty and staff up for success.

When you partner with iResQ, you gain overnight access to expertise and support at the lowest price possible. Whether you need a bulk repair or a free diagnostic service, our team of certified repair technicians is ready and excited to help. Reach out to us today.

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